“What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?”, originally recorded by Margaret Whiting in 1947, is a familiar song we start hearing towards the end of December. But seriously, what ARE you doing on New Year’s Eve? My husband and I, and our small group of close friends, have over a 20-year tradition. 

When our kids, and our friends’ kids, were in grade school, babysitters were scarce on New Year’s Eve. We just couldn’t dress up and go out for a snazzy dinner as we wanted. So, we went to plan “B”. Lunch. Babysitters were plentiful until 5 pm when THEY wanted to enjoy the last night of the year. 

Our couples group spent the afternoon together for a drink or two, a lovely lunch, and great conversation. In the early evening, after our babysitters were on their way out to celebrate, our same group hauled all our kids off to a local bowling alley. They got to goof off, bowl, and tire themselves out. All our families were back at our designated homes by early evening ready to quietly ring in the New Year while our kids were in bed. Everyone was happy. Us moms and dads got to have lunch with friends, and our kids had a blast bowling with theirs. 

 All our kids are adults but we still keep to our tradition and set aside the afternoon to celebrate New Year’s Eve at lunch. Friends in our original group have come and gone, but there are still a few of us who spend the last day of the year together. We cherish this tradition and wouldn’t want to spend the afternoon with anyone else.

Cheers and love to our New Year’s Eve lunch crew of almost 20 years! Health and happiness in 2023!