Happy Thanksgiving!

Hopefully, you will be spending your day with those that mean the most to you. Perhaps you’ll be visiting in a different way this year, but nonetheless together somehow. 

Of course, we are all thankful for our family, friends, food, and a safe roof over our heads. However, sometimes during the course of our busy days, it’s the small, unconventional things that may get overlooked that we need to be mindful of. Here are a few things that happened to me this week that I am thankful for….

-Buying a pair of shoes online that ended up being a perfect fit. No need to exchange!

-Leaving the dentist’s office with no cavities or any major complications!

-When my non-affectionate cat jumped on me and let me pet him for more than 5 minutes and he purred! 

It’s the small happy bursts in everyday life that I am remembering to celebrate. I hope you can find one good thing each day that makes you smile. Enjoy this day, friends!