When growing up, we traditionally started back to school after Labor Day. Many students have already been in class for several weeks. I’m old school so I’m celebrating the first day back this week! 

I remember a lot about kindergarten. I went to CH Cambell Elementary in Canfield, Ohio. It was, and still is, a quaint brick neighborhood school with a circular driveway surrounded by many old trees. It had a playground with swings, a metal slide, a jungle gym, and probably one of the last schools with a merry-go-round, and see-saws.

My teacher was Mrs. Skelton, but of course, we called her Mrs. Skeleton. I’m sure she was used to that..lol! She was a tall, pretty lady with short, wavy brown hair. She always wore dresses and heels and was very kind. She even had a big sliding board in her room! 

One thing I distinctly remember about being in her class was receiving a special necklace after we learned all our classmates’ names during the first couple weeks of school. I was of the newer generation that attended nursery school at a nearby church with just a handful of students in my class the year before. We didn’t do playdates. The few friends we had lived in our neighborhood.

Learning 20 or so names of new classmates was a big deal. Looking back I love that the priority was establishing new friendships rather than stressing academics at the tender age of 5. 

I remember swinging on the swings at recess when Mrs. Skelton walked out of our classroom door which happened to be right outside the playground. The white star necklace blew in the wind as she held the purple string tightly on that fall afternoon. That morning she must have quizzed us and came out to tell me I remembered everyone’s name! She said she was proud of me as I sat on the swing and she put the necklace over my head.

Her warmth and my accomplishment must have stuck with me 51 years later. I obviously kept the star and still recall how and where she presented it to me. 

The first days of school are important milestones. Including kindergarten and excluding higher education, you only have 13 first days. Even if you don’t attend school, there is always something new to learn. In this day and age, remembering one person’s name after meeting them for the first time is an accomplishment! Am I right?! Have a safe and happy school year!