Growing up, Judy Blume was one of my favorite authors. Between her and Beverly Cleary, I read their books repeatedly. These two authors, and my mother, are responsible for my life-long love of reading.  When I opened the cover to any one of their books it was as if I, literally, climbed into the story and stayed there until I read the last page.

My boxed set of Judy Blume books is one of my most prized possessions. Maybe I received it as a Christmas gift? Not sure, but the set is at least 45 years old. As I skim my bookshelf and eye this set, I’m an awkward preteen trying to navigate life again. The pages are tattered from page-turning, yellowed, and have that wonderful old book smell. The words Judy Blume wrote are what girls wanted to read and situations we could relate to. Growing up. Fitting in. Friends. Boys.

Are You There God, It’s Me, Margaret, Otherwise Known As Sheila the Great, Blubber, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, and Then Again, Maybe I Won’t complete this set. Do you remember these titles? I’m sure if women my age (born around 1968) were polled, many would absolutely remember reading “Margaret”. Reading it was like a rite of passage for us 70s girls.

My favorite book by Judy Blume, however, is Deenie. In case you’re not familiar, it’s about a girl who was diagnosed with scoliosis, just like me. I remember my jaw dropping as I read it. At the time I never knew anyone who had scoliosis let alone read about it in a young adult book. It stole my heart because I no longer felt alone. The confusion, sadness, and embarrassment of having to wear a back brace was overwhelming. Now I knew someone who understood what I was going through even though Deenie was only a fictional character. That book allowed me to breathe, even if just for a moment.

Fast forward and two lost books later, Blubber and my original Deenie…(sigh) 

A couple of months ago I found out from my favorite podcast, The Pop Culture Preservation Society, that Judy Blume owns a bookstore, Books and Books, in Key West Florida. For many years I privately mourned my lost books, especially Deenie. I bought a new copy online from her bookstore and attached a quick synopsis of my personal scoliosis story.  Secretly I was hoping the woman, to whom I give so much gratitude, could possibly (pretty please!) autograph my copy of Deenie. Ta-da!! From the picture below, you see I got my wish! When I read my new copy I recall how it saved me in a way that no other did. I remember the comfort, much-needed confidence, and a character I wholeheartedly still relate to. I teared up when I saw her autograph that she had signed just for me! It’s my new prized possession I will always cherish. Thank you, Mrs. Blume, and my twelve-year-old self thanks you even more. 

You can find the story of my scoliosis in my archives, on June 24, titled Oh, My Aching Back! The Story of My Scoliosis

A shout out to the podcast, The Pop Culture Preservation Society! If you are a Gen Xer who grew up in the 1970s, these ladies are a hoot! Subscribe. You won’t be sorry. Episodes #5 and #6 discuss Judy Blume’s books.