I love libraries but admit I hardly ever check out books. Part of the reason is that I’m a slow reader and I never finish in time to return the book. Another is I admit to being a germaphobe. If you’re a Seinfeld fan, you are familiar with the episode about George and the book, World ImpressionismEnough said.

However, when I was in our local library recently I came across a new copy of a Read With Jenna book club selection, The Burning, by Megha Majumdar. I’m very glad I checked it out. Just a reminder there are no spoil alerts in my synopsis. 

The story takes place in modern India. It focuses on 3 characters who all have different personal agendas yet cross paths because of a devastating incident. Jivan, a Muslim girl, is tired of living in the slums and wants to live like the middle class. PT Sir is Jivan’s former physical education teacher turned political party advocate. Last is Lovely, an inspiring actress, who, in the most basic term, is transgender. Jivan is tutoring her to read English. 

Jivan is charged with executing a terrorist attack on a train but what she really did was post an anti-government Facebook comment. The characters agenda’s weave together through the book as Jivan is imprisoned for a crime she didn’t commit. 

This book was released during the Black Lives Matter movement. How the story evolves, through powerful protests and social media campaigns, are very relevant to the political processes in our country in June of 2020. 

The Burning is definitely not a historical, or fantasy but a contemporary book that focuses on the domino effect of one’s choices. I enjoyed it for its unique characters and its complex message. The subject matter is heavy at times but the story and how it’s pieced together is satisfying. At 289 pages it’s a fairly quick read with short chapters.

 If you want to plunge into a book that has a contemporary feel, this would be a good choice. Reserve it at your local library! This book certainly won’t be the last I check out. Enjoy!