Most people will need to make crucial decisions in their lives. Decisions such as choosing a profession, whether to marry or where to live. If you had the opportunity to make different choices in your life, would you? 

That is the premise of Matt Haig’s book, The Midnight Library. It’s a fiction story about Nora, a woman at the end of her rope. She becomes stuck in a space, literally, that falls between life and death called the Midnight Library. 

With the help of an old friend, Nora selects books from this unusual place. Each book offers a life experience that is different from the one she is contemplating leaving.

This book is deep. It intrigued me. It comes with it a few universal theories and makes you think about regret, possibilities, and acceptance. It’s like nothing I ever read before. I really liked it! This 304-page book was a fairly quick read for me which usually indicates my interest level.

If you’re looking for a story off the beaten path, this is for you. It’s a different concept than I’ve ever experienced in a book. Try something new! I hope you enjoy it!

Just a reminder that my book reviews don’t contain spoilers. I like to keep the synopsis at a minimum. In my former literary-based jobs, we discussed books. I always disliked when too much detail was disclosed because It’s not exciting when there are no surprises between the pages, right?!