This is a first. I read a memoir. I’m not sure why I waited because I thoroughly enjoyed this genre. There will definitely be more narratives on my shortlist of books TBR. That’s book lingo for “to be read”!

Katie Couric’s new book, Going There was a smash hit in my opinion. I have been a fan since she co-anchored The Today Show and authored her children’s book The Brand New Kid. When we went to New York City and visited Rockefeller Plaza, I got to see her darling smile and cute demeanor when she and the other NBC news personalities were filming a live segment. It was so much fun!

Her book is real and raw. She is poised and truthful, funny, and intelligent. When I watched The Today Show her chipper personality shined through as it did reading this book. I also learned that she was very tenacious and gutsy which enabled her to excel in the field of media that’s mostly managed by men. 

She is a famous household name, she has traveled the world and interviewed presidents, politicians, and movie stars. I now realize, however famous, she is human, genuine, and feisty. Couric dealt with the loss of her husband, sister, and parents. It reminds me that she puts her pants on one leg at a time as we all do. In case you’re wondering, yes, she talks about the Matt Lauer scandal in detail from her perspective. 

The only regret I have about reading this book is not listening to the audio version simultaneously. She is the narrator and it would be entertaining to hear her read her own life story. I read through the almost 500 pages quickly because I was deeply engrossed in her words.

My advice? Go to your favorite bookstore and pick up Going There, especially if you’re a Katie fan like me. You’ll get to know another extraordinary side of her. She’s one of my favorite celebrities with whom I want to have coffee and chit-chat. I think we’d be BFFs. Hey Katie, what are ya doing next Thursday at 10 am?! Call me!