When I was young I pictured Mother Nature as a wispy green apparition covered with colorful flowers. I pretended she would float among people all over the world. We’re all familiar with the universal story that one can detect her mood based on the weather. Sunny and warm? Mother Nature is in a cheerful mood. Stormy with lots of lighting and thunder? Watch out! She’s upset about something!

Saturday, April 22 is Earth Day. I think Mother Nature is proud of the efforts to improve the environment to date, including her number one priority, climate change. But there is much more work to be done. The brainchild behind the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, was Wisoncin Governor, Gaylord Nelson to raise awareness on environmental issues.

When thinking about my day-to-day routine there are simple ways I unconsciously contribute to help reduce my carbon footprint. Feel free to adopt my habits!

  1. When I brush my teeth or shower, I save water by not running the faucet continually. 
  1. I don’t drive unnecessarily to just run 1 errand. I wait until I have 2-3 stops to make. This saves fuel costs. 
  1.  I wash most of our laundry in warm or cold water to save energy.
  1. I don’t keep my laptop plugged in all the time. I only charge it when necessary which saves energy.

There is more I could do and should do. If approximately 8 billion people that inhabit the earth would embrace one positive habit that will help reduce energy, what a difference it would make! My personal goal is to make a conscious effort to use reusable grocery bags. 

I hope all people come together on April 22, and every day, to nurture Mother Nature with a healthier planet that we all share and call home. Happy Earth Day!