A Quick Project to Add to Your Decor

In my home, I like to surround myself with momentos that have special meaning and bring me joy. Personal framed pictures and photos of my family play a huge role in my decor. My favorites include two from adventures across the globe. Both were sketched by the artists as we watched them being created right in front of our eyes. One was drawn in Montmartre, France and the other was penciled in Venice, Italy. Another treasure is a magnificent oil painting of my beloved childhood home. I’m thrilled this piece resides with our family and when I look at it each day it brings me an extreme sense of comfort and happiness.

 I often get comments and questions about my “pictures in a bottle”. I have many old photos and this is certainly a unique way to display them instead of a traditional picture frame. Here’s how to incorporate this little touch of nostalgia into your home.

First, break out your box of old photos from your closet and choose a few that make you smile or bring back good memories. I would suggest having copies made so you can save your original. Next, time to go on a treasure hunt! Whether it’s rooting through your own cupboards, going to a garage sale, or visiting an antique store, find some unique, clear glass bottles or small vases. Thoroughly clean and dry them. Carefully take your copied picture and fit it inside your container. Once you insert the photo it’s difficult to take them out without damaging it so choose carefully. Display this quick craft where they make you happy! It’s especially rewarding when folks ask you about the story behind the picture. It makes that memory come to life! If you try this, I would love to see your results so please come back and comment. Enjoy!