“She is full of wounds riddled with scars, but she is still standing and she is still beautiful.” R.H. Sin

This week I’m celebrating the courage of strong women. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing many of these warriors who have gone through a physical, mental health hardship, or a tumultuous situation. Some have made it through their journey, some are in the middle of their ordeal, and many continue to fight every single day. As women, we wear many hats but always seem to land on our feet. Most of us have a story to tell and through this crazy thing we call “life”, so supporting each other is important.

I think about Macy P, Angelina H, Justine V, Amy K, and Diane P, just to name a few. Caregivers and those who support people going through hard times need to be nurtured too. Unfortunately, any type of illness, whether it’s physical or mental health-related, affects the whole family unit. In the course of your busy day today, my hope is that you will honor a woman you know that is fighting a battle or, maybe, someone who loves and cares for them, with some kind of simple gesture. Perhaps a quick phone call, text, or message just to let them know you’re thinking about them.  Below are the words of my sweet, courageous niece.  Good thoughts to all those women who are fighters and need a big hug right about now.

Hi, my name is Macy Potts. A little bit about myself is that I am 19 years old, I am studying dietetics at Youngstown State University and work as a barista at a small business coffee shop.  I like to bike, hammock, and do things outdoors, as well as bake anything sweet and chocolaty!  I also like to spend time with my friends and family.  

My journey began this year as Spring semester. . I was sent home from school, at the time Bowling Green State University, and completed the remainder of the semester online. I was exercising every day, going to work, completing schoolwork, living my normal day-to-day life, but with a few minor symptoms, any normal college student would feel. I was tired, major caffeine headaches, and overall just sluggish. I made an appointment to get my iron checked and after multiple doctor appointments, blood draws, and transfusions, I was diagnosed with aplastic anemia. This is a rare blood disorder in which your bone marrow stops producing enough new cells in your body. As shocked as I was to find out this was more than something a vitamin couldn’t fix, I was even more surprised to find out that the cause of this will never be known. Having to adjust everything you had planned for the upcoming year that has already been completely flip-flopped has made me feel as if my whole life is on pause right now, but I am blessed to have my family and friends to support me every step of the way. Life imposes things on you that you can’t control, but you still have the choice of how you’re going to live through this.