Through friends and online sites, I heard a lot of positive feedback about The Great Alone by Kristen Hannah so I eagerly chose to pick it up. If you have read my book recommendations in previous posts, you know I like to read in season — books about the beach in the summer, and spooky books in the fall. This story takes place in 1974 Alaska, the perfect cold, dark time of the year to open up the pages and settle in.

This epic story follows the Allbright family: Ernst, Cora, and young Lena. When Ernst returns from the hell of Vietnam, he moves his reluctant family to the primitive and wild state of Alaska to re-start their lives. They meet new friends who teach them how to live on the beautiful, yet extremely isolated land and also how to survive Alaska’s turbulent and dangerous winters. Cora and Lena not only need to learn how to survive winter but also to survive Ernst’s domestic violence rages at the hands of his PTSD acquired through the anguish of war.

This book certainly has a dark and unsettling undertone but it also beckons young romance, love, true friendship, and the beauty of people who choose the life of homesteading. When reading I was filled with many emotions including joy, sorrow, perseverance, and determination through the brilliant development of characters. It’s the reason I loved it so much and worth every turn of its 576 pages. Kristen Hanna is an incredible narrator of storytelling and descriptive content.  As she’s describing the beauty of Alaska’s bright blue skies, icy mountains, and sheer drama of the scenery, I can close my eyes and practically feel the cold air in my face. 

 If you haven’t read any of her books, please add one to your list. The Great Alone is a great choice. I just started reading her latest novel, The Four Winds, which debuted on February 2 and I’m loving it so far! My “TBR” (to be read) list is getting longer by the minute. Happy reading!