I enjoy watching YouTube videos. One day I stumbled on women sharing “What’s In Your Handbag” clips which I found strangely entertaining. I thought it might be fun to share what brand of bag I carry and what’s inside. It’s funny and interesting how a handbag can reveal much about one’s personality!

My everyday bag is a solid black Vera Bradley Triple Zip Hipster Crossbody made of recycled cotton. I love it. For an everyday bag, I enjoy a crossbody because it keeps me hands-free and it’s easily accessible when I need to grab something in it. The zippered pockets assure me nothing will escape. My favorite feature?  I can use an antibacterial wipe to keep it fresh and clean.

In the main pocket is my thin black wallet that holds my license, some credit cards, and some cash. Of course, I also have a recycled plastic makeup bag adorned with cats. Inside is an eyebrow pencil, some dental floss, and a small collection of lip products. My favorites are my cotton candy-flavored Chap-Stick and marshmallow-scented clear lip gloss.

In the second zippered pocket, you can find my two “must haves” which are reading glasses and my cell phone. In zipper number 3, I usually stash some coupons, receipts (which I take out after a shopping day and file if needed), and car keys. 

My purse is fully functional and super organized. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while that should come as no surprise. That’s just how I roll. 

Remember the 70s game show, “Let’s Make A Deal”? Occasionally, the host, Monty Hall, would ask the audience if they had something obscure in their handbag. If you showed him a broken crayon, a box of raisins, or whatever he requested, you won money. I’m positive I would never win. What’s inside my bag is basic and boring. 

We all have our favorite designer, color, and style of bag, and, indeed what we choose to carry inside is uniquely different from one another. However, I’m certain we agree on one thing. We would feel lost if we went anywhere without it. So don’t forget to grab your purse on your way out the door today!