Today is December 1. Are you in a frenzy to purchase and wrap Christmas gifts? There’s still time so no worries! These 3 tips always help me stay on track and make the “gifting” part of Christmas stress-free.

  1. Make a complete list of all your recipients.  In my mind, I generally know who I purchase gifts for but making a list gives me a visual I can refer back to. I keep this information in the notes section on my phone so I always have it with me. This keeps me from having to buy a last-minute thoughtless gift. 
  1. Have an idea of what gift you’re intending to buy. In my opinion, the most challenging part of gift-giving is what you think that person would enjoy receiving. I like to be creative yet practical. Once you come up with a couple of ideas, add them to your notes. For me, knowing what you may want to buy is less stressful than aimlessly browsing the internet or walking around a store.
  1. Have a designated gift-organizing area.  I assign each person in my immediate family a large reusable tote bag. As I purchase gifts and stocking stuffers, I drop them in the designated bag. The bags provide me with a quick glance of what I bought and everyone’s presents are organized when it’s time to wrap. I also have a separate bag for people I buy outside my kids and husband. I keep all my receipts in an envelope marked “Christmas 2022” but not before I write who it’s for and what the gift is.

These tips seem so simple yet it keeps my mind and “Christmas area” clutter-free. Stay the course. You can do it!