In September, when many families anticipate the first day of school, I too feel happy, excited, and anxious, even though my last “first day of school” was in 1989 (my final year of college) There are some years where I can clearly remember that first day of school with such detail.

Should I get dressed up or go casual? Should I wear something from my “back to school” pile of clothes or wait until week two to wear that new crisp pair of jeans?  What outfit you chose was a monumental decision and seemed to set the tone for the kind of year you wanted to portray. I distinctly remember the dress I wore on my first day of kindergarten in 1973.  The material had patterns of cut-out paper dolls on it and was adorned with blue trim.  The finishing touches were navy knee socks and black patent leather shoes. In high school, when jean jackets were in major style, I wore a new one purchased with the money I saved from my after school job, and never took it off, even though the temperature was blazing hot. It was all about how you looked, not how you felt. I recall my mother calling me ridiculous.

Lunchtime at school was the most exciting part of the day when you would chat about your new teachers and first-day shenanigans. School and packed lunches were wolfed down. I loved it when my mom made my favorite packed lunch in grade school; a swiss cheese and mustard sandwich, a bag of cheese curls, and there was always a special treat in my Holly Hobby lunchbox.  In high school, we ate pretzel rods and sandwich cookies from the snack bar and always looked forward to Friday pizza. After a long, mentally exhausting first day, it was always comforting to come home to my mom cooking a cozy dinner. The good food smell would envelop me as I walked through the door, my anxiety melting away. 

Whether you still attend school, have kids in school, or teach, (shout out to the best teachers in my family, Stephanie, Rachel, and Traci!) the first day of a new year is something special. From the smell of a new pack of crayons, sharpened pencils, and the chocolate chip cookies I baked for my kids every year since kindergarten, it’s a chance to start fresh and put your best foot forward. Cheers to all our educators and those supporting our students. I hope all of you will share your “first day of school” memories with your families around the dinner table and with me too! I love and always welcome your comments!