Bubble Gum. It was a constant in my childhood, especially in the summer. 

When my neighborhood friends and I rode our bikes to the Quick Shop, a neighborhood convenience store, buying gum was standard practice.

 I suppose we always bought it because #1… We weren’t allowed to have it in school so we had to make up for it during the summer.  #2…Our moms didn’t necessarily approve of the sugar constantly grinding into our teeth. But since they didn’t know what we bought with our quarters, we felt rebellious to buy it.

I loved all kinds and flavors! Here are some of my favorites I recall purchasing often.

  • Fruit Stripe Gum. I liked chewing 2 pieces combining 2 different flavors. I was a rebel..lol
  • Grape Bubble Yum. The flavor was incredible. I remember putting many pieces in my mouth and learning how to blow double bubbles.
  • Bub’s Daddy. The long powdery soft gum was easy to rip off and share with friends. I don’t remember it being more than a quarter for practically a foot of gum.

In the picture above, another favorite was Gold Mine Bubble Gum. I used the empty bag for coins for my next ride uptown. Lastly, I can’t forget Bazooka Joe.  Playing summer softball, I spent most of my time chewing and reading comics in the dugout. I kept a stack of the comics in a shoebox in my closet for years.

My Mom was right. Chomping on surgery gum is why I have many cavities in my mouth today. I just couldn’t help myself and I paid the price. But in those carefree summer days, it was well worth it! 

If you click on the highlighted names of my favorite bubble gum, you can watch some old commercials, see the original packaging, or learn about the product as you remember! Enjoy!