About Me
Welcome to my blog! My name is Judy. I’m a middle-aged wife, mom of two adult sons, and own a tabby cat. I live in Canfield, Ohio, the same quaint city where I grew up.
This eclectic blog is written from my heart and represents my interests which include great recipes, books, home, and sharing my love of growing up in the 1970s. I’ve always had a passion for reading and writing and decided to put my words and memories into a format that’s sharable.
Some of my favorite things are movie popcorn, the smell of new books, and
a crisp fall day. I also have a weakness for purses. Thanks for spending time
with me!
The gold pen in the picture below belonged to my Dad. I remember him using it for many years and it brings me comfort to have it near me when I write. I hope both my Dad and Mom would be proud of my labor of love.