No fancy recipe this week! Sometimes you just need a very quick answer to satisfy the question, “what’s for dinner”, especially a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving. Taco Tuesday is a staple meal in many busy weekday homes that most everyone in the family enjoys. Kids have after-school activities tonight? Husband have a late meeting? It seems like tacos are the answer! There will be no complaints about this dinner and you can check one meal to plan for the week off your list.

I used to grab a pack of pre-mix taco seasoning at the grocery store along with ground beef, sharp cheddar, sour cream, lettuce, tomatoes, and salsa. Have you ever taken a glance at the seasoning pack ingredients? There are lots of additives I can’t pronounce plus lots of sodium. Try spending a minute, literally, and make your own seasoning. Add a small can of tomato sauce for delicious tacos that have a much better taste than those over-salted seasoning packs. It’s just so simple that I had to share. Ole’!

Taco Tuesday Seasoning Recipe

I roughly use this spice combination for about 1 to 1 ½ pounds of ground beef plus an 8 ounce can of your favorite tomato sauce. If you like more spice, add more chili powder and if you like more of a garlicky taste, use more powder. Your taste buds know what you enjoy. Add some water if needed to the consistency of filling your family enjoys.

-1 ½ TBS chili powder

-1 tsp ground cumin

-1 tsp dried oregano ( I use dried oregano from my summer herb garden. It’s very potent so use your judgment.)

-½ tsp garlic powder

-a couple of shakes of black pepper

-¾ tsp salt