Everyone has stuff. We all enjoy buying things for ourselves and our homes. But there comes a time when things become just too much. Stuff can become overwhelming. I’m at a point in my life where if something doesn’t make me feel happy or I never use it, then it’s not worth the space to store. I’m ready to give that thing up.
I’ve been doing a major cleanout. We’ve been in our house for twenty-three years and have collected a few things along the way…lol. In less than a year, we’re moving, as my golf enthusiast brother-in-law refers to it, as “the back 9”. We’re relocating just a block away into a newly built villa. Our forever home. It’s very freaking exciting!
Unfortunately, we’re moving because my back and knees are coasting downhill faster than anticipated. However, looking at the big picture, the reasons we’re going outweigh the reasons to stay. That said, it feels good to clear out things that are taking up valuable real estate.
In my past blogs, I have given tips on organizing, and I stand my ground on how simple getting organized can be. The system I use works well since I have been decluttering on a large scale. It’s a matter of starting small. However, you do have to commit to a couple of things to make it manageable and worthwhile. This is what I’m learning:
–Commit to the task and stick with it! Plan on spending some time decluttering and organizing each week, whether it be 10 minutes or an hour. I understand sometimes time gets away but get back on track and put it on your calendar. One drawer at a time will soon add up to an organized room!
–Don’t room jump. Stick with one room until every part of it has been decluttered..the closet, every corner, every container. You’ll feel more accomplished once one larger space is complete.
I’ve been watching Facebook and YouTube videos for organizing tips and decided to implement a couple into my routine to keep my stuff at a minimum. The first is to have a bag in my clothes closet and one in a downstairs closet. If there is something I don’t wear or use anymore, it goes into the bag. When the bag is full, I’ll take it to the donation center. This way, a big decluttering won’t be necessary anymore.
The second tip I’m embracing is if I bring something new in, something goes out. I’m committing to live in a space that stays organized and houses only minimal items I love and use.
It’s going to be quite a journey between now and moving into our new place and I can’t wait to get there! I’ll be updating you on the progress, mostly on Instagram, and excited for you to be by my side through our new venture!