When it’s time to pack away the Santas, holly, and candy canes, your home, and spirit may feel a little drab. However, transitioning your living space to a cozy and warm sanctuary during the frosty months here in northeastern Ohio is a welcome change.

I certainly enjoy my Christmas decor, but I also appreciate less clutter, clean line decorating, and the overall feel of a relaxing abode. I keep a few things in mind while settling in during the winter months. 

  1. Pine and other wintery greens are great to add to vases and containers but I shy away from any bright red berries because red is synonymous with Christmas. I also love adding pine cones to big glass jars or a simple bowl to give a table or your mantle some composition.
  1. I enjoy having warm throws on my couch and one tossed at the end of our bed. When entering a room, it feels very inviting. I usually use a palette of neutrals and like to add only one blanket with a pattern or design to add a little interest.
  1. Soft light is a necessity for me during the winter, whether it’s turning on a small lamp or having my fixtures on a dimmer. There’s something comfortable about the glow after the sun goes down. I also love burning real wax candles even during the day. Having a scent in the air synonymous with the winter season makes gloomy days more tolerable.
  1. In my mind, not only is it important to have a pleasing visual look to your home in winter, but I like to incorporate other senses including sound.  I appreciate soft background instrumental music while it’s blustery outside. I also utilize YouTube. They have videos available with seasonal backgrounds and some with jazz, sounds of a crackling fire, and snow storms. Search “winter soundscape”. It’s awesome! It gives me a feeling of calm and is the icing on the cake to the overall feel of a room.

After the hustle and bustle of the holiday is over, I try to keep our home as cheerful and comfortable with a certain look and feel to offset the dark nights ahead as we wait for the spring thaw to arrive. Grab a cup of something warm, and allow yourself to take in the beauty of your house this winter!